Activity 7: Image Segmentation
Grayscale Segmentation
As a warmup for this activity, let’s start with a grayscale image of a check (Fig. 1a).
First we’ll try to segment the text manually. Looking at its histogram (Fig. 1b), we can see that there is a high concentration of pixel values around 200, which corresponds to the background. For now, 125 looks like a good threshold value, so we’ll choose to display only pixel values less than 125. The output (Fig. 2a) shows that we have a decent segmentation, and we can choose to leave it at that. However, we don’t want to just randomly pick a threshold that looks “good enough”, so we’ll try a slightly more elaborate method. I recall that when I was applying for IPL, I read and presented a paper, whose very rough gist is that it made use of Otsu’s method of thresholding to detect malaria in red blood cells [1]. Otsu’s method searches exhaustively for the threshold value that minimizes the intra-class variance [2] and works most effectively if the gray histogram is bimodal. Looking back at Fig. 1b, we can see two general peaks: one about 200 and another about 150, so we expect that Otsu’s method will work just fine. Applying Otsu’s method yields a threshold value of 146, and the result is shown in Fig. 2b. Aside from the text being much clearer, we won’t see much difference because it’s quite a simple image. We’ll check again later on to see how well this method fares with color images.
Figure 2: Check segmented using different methods.
Color Segmentation
For the testing phase of this section, I first used the image of a Macbeth ColorChecker to verify final segmentation outputs and histograms. The image is first converted to NCC space [3] via
1. Parametric Segmentation
The means
assuming that the
2. Non-parametric Segmentation
1. Macbeth ColorChecker
For the first trial, the region of interest is the red patch from the Macbeth ColorChecker. The original image along with outputs from the two algorithms are shown in Figs. 5-9.
2. Skin
To realize these methods’ effectivity in a more practical situation, let’s try applying them to images with more chromatic and luminant variety. I’ll be using a fairly simple portrait which has a well-defined background and foreground, taken with natural light, and I’ll try to segment only the skin. Let’s call the subject Clarize. Note that the image has already been post-processed, meaning white balance corrections, contrast adjustments, exposure corrections, and artistic color grading have all been applied. As a human observer, the separation between foreground and background is pretty clear-cut. However, we can expect a machine to have some problems because the color of Clarize’s shirt is quite close to the color of her skin and to the background. Notice also that due to direct sunlight, there is a lot of specular reflection on her face and hands. Also, due to the image being taken at high ISO (around 400, to account for the fast shutter speed used in order for the confetti not to blur, and the considerably narrow aperture used in order for as much of the elements to be in focus as possible), we can observe some visible grain in the shadows, particularly on the side of her right forearm facing away from the light. Figures 10-13 show the results of varying the location of the ROI.
We can observe that although parametric segmentation seems to work best in the Macbeth trial, non-parametric segmentation seems to work consistently better when it comes to practical images because pixel values are rarely normally distributed about the mean.
3. Cancer Cells
For the last application we’ll try segmenting a sample of red blood cells with acute lymphoma, sourced from [5], using everything we’ve discussed so far. The original image along with its parametric and non-parametric segmentation outputs are shown in Fig.14, while the output from Otsu’s method is in Fig. 15. The reason we are applying Otsu’s method for this image and not for the Macbeth or Clarize images is because we have a clear-cut foreground and background in this image. The Macbeth image contains too many different patches of different colors, so its histogram is hardly bimodal. The Clarize image does have a separable foreground/background, but what we want to segment is the skin, not the foreground; Otsu’s method will most likely segment Clarize’s entire body.
D. Mas, B. Ferrer, D. Cojoc, S. Finaurini, V. Mico, and J. Garcia, Novel image processing approach to detect malaria, Optics Communications 350, 13 (2015).
Wikipedia, Otsu’s method (2019).
M. F. Bartolome, Activity 7 - Image segmentation (2015).
S. Levey, Scientists seek out cancer cells hiding from treatment (2013).